
HD Videos

HD Videos

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Production Model #2

Production Model #2

$7000.00 (Shipping & Handling $2000)
  • Run 5 gallons of concentrate in about 7 MINUTES
  • Capacity — Up to –150 ounces — of gold in traps
Gold Strike Commercial Snake #2

Gold Strike Commercial Snake #2

$10000.00 (Shipping & Handling $2000)
  • Run 5 gallons of concentrate in about 3 MINUTES
  • Capacity — Up to — 150 ounces — of gold in traps
Gold Strike MEGA - 5 gallons in 1.5 minutes

Gold Strike MEGA - 5 gallons in 1.5 minutes

$15000.00 (Shipping & Handling $3000)
Ultra Max - 5 Gallons to Gold in 30 Seconds

Ultra Max - 5 Gallons to Gold in 30 Seconds

$25000.00 (Shipping & Handling $4000)
Micron Gold Sluice

Micron Gold Sluice

4 Foot Sluice - 1.5 Million Micron Gold Traps

Gold Processing

Gold Processing

$250.00 (+$18.85 Shipping & Handling)
  • All Gold In Contents